As a proud supporter of North Vancouver's Blockwatch, and all they do for our community, I'm sharing with you the Blockwatch Society of BC's two latest newsletters, Spring 2014 and Summer 2014, full of great tips that cover:
Spring 2013
- Emergency Preparednss
- Top Scams of 2013 from the Better Business Bureau
- Fraud Prevention Tips
- What you need for a back country emergency survival kit
- Summer safety on the water
- Personal safety tips
- Roadtrip safety tips
- Swimming safety tips
- Info on Monitoring children's online activity
Click here to view: Blockwatch News March April May 2014
Click here to view: Blockwatch News June July August 2014
Insdie the newsletters they also provides links for more information on each topic. I truly hope you find these helpful in keeping safe this summer.
Regards Dodi
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