If you plan to develop or redevelop urban or rural and land, take a look at the Ministry of Environment’s newly updated guidelines. Click here for full details: Develop with Care 2014: Environmental Guidelines for Urban and Rural Land Development in British Columbia.
This new document replaces the 2012 version of Develop With Care.
The focus is on ‘green’ alternatives and updates include new information on topics such as:
• air quality;
• amphibian and reptile conservation;
• climate change;
• coastal foreshore management;
• contaminated sites;
• creating healthy built environments;
• forage fish;
• hazard management;
• raptor conservation;
• spill prevention; and
• water and waste management.
There are also 21 updated Fact Sheets covering topics as diverse as the development overview process, small lot developments, landscaping, parks, and information for homeowners.
As always, if you have any questions about land development, we'd love to help you. Give us a call at 604-644-3634.
Regards, Dodi and Rachael